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Is there a tool allowance?
Is there education required?
Do they pay for additional training?
How long do people stay at the company?
What about your competitors?
What is the culture like?
What are your thoughts about the CEO, Mark?
What are OSHA standards?
Does Radec provide on site training?
Is prior experience recommended?
How do you stay safe on the job?
How is Leadership?
Are there opportunities for growth?
Is there management training available?
Do they care about employee safety?
Do they ever have layoffs?
Are there journeymen who provide guidance?
Does leadership provide guidance?
How is the health insurance?
How is the training?
Is there any type of profit sharing?
How are the hours?
What are the benefits like?
Can you learn on the job?
What is the Apprenticeship Program?
Will they pay for any schooling?
What is the company like?
Tell me about the benefits.