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How is the Fitness Center?
How is the leasing process with Gallina?
How does Gallina Handle renovations?
Does Gallina have a positive view on Rochester?
How is the quality of locations they own?
Is there an Open Door Policy between employees and leadership?
Do employees come first?
Are there employee benefits?
Is there employee appreciation?
How are the employees treated?
What type of atmosphere is it working at Gallina?
What is the work environment like as an employee?
How is the work load as an employee with Gallina?
Is there a variety of work as an employee with Gallina?
How is employee longevity?
How is the quality of space for their properties?
Would you recommend Gallina?
How is their business reputation?
Are they responsive to their clients?
How is their relationship with the tenants?
How is the quality of service?